New applicants can apply here to join the SHAS, existing members may use this link to update details on their registration Apply Here

Prepare for Audit

Producer Standard for Growing, Packing & Produce Handling

Producer Standard for Growing, Packing & Produce Handling

The Sustainable Horticulture Assurance Scheme (SHAS) Producer Standard for Growing, Packing & Produce Handling.

Certification to the scheme demonstrates that the process employed by the Producer has met the requirements of the Standard, and also confirms that the producer is committed to improving the sustainability of Horticultural production.
SHAS Farm Record Book

SHAS Farm Record Book

Record templates have been provided for you here.

Records may be maintained in this farmbook or in any other acceptable format such as computer based records.
SHAS Sample Plans & Policies

SHAS Sample Plans & Policies

Some sample plans and policies have been provided for you here. Please ensure that any plans / policies implemented by you are specific for your operations.
Performance Criteria Survey (Hardcopy Version)

Performance Criteria Survey (Hardcopy Version)


This survey should be completed in advance of your audit. Please complete this form in advance of your audit and email a copy to Bord Bia. A scan or clear photograph of each page will be accepted and should be sent to

This survey will enable Bord Bia to provide feedback on your performance compared to industry benchmark and promote continuous improvement & sustainable practices.
Risk Assessment Pack (Hardcopy Version)

Risk Assessment Pack (Hardcopy Version)

This risk assessment template is designed to help you to identify those things, situations or processes that might cause harm to your crop or the surrounding environment (Hazards) and then to describe and evaluate the precautions in place to manage those hazards (Control Measures). There are three risk assessments in this book covering Hygiene, Water & the Environment. Once completed each risk assessment must be reviewed annually or in the event of a significant change on site (e.g. addition of a new process step, activity or crop).
SHAS Self Assessment Module 1 and 2 PDF

SHAS Self Assessment Module 1 and 2 PDF

SHAS Self Assessment Module 1 and 2
SHAS Self Assessment Module 1 and 2 EXCEL

SHAS Self Assessment Module 1 and 2 EXCEL

SHAS Self Assessment Module 1 and 2 EXCEL
SHAS Self Assessment Module 1 PDF

SHAS Self Assessment Module 1 PDF

SHAS Self Assessment Module 1
SHAS Self Assessment Module 1 EXCEL

SHAS Self Assessment Module 1 EXCEL

SHAS Self Assessment Module 1 EXCEL
Sample Employee Welfare Policy

Sample Employee Welfare Policy

Sample Employee Welfare Policy
Sample Food Fraud Policy

Sample Food Fraud Policy

Sample Food Fraud Policy
Sample Farm Map

Sample Farm Map

Sample Farm Map
Sample Organisational Chart

Sample Organisational Chart

Sample Organisational Chart
Sample Quality Policy

Sample Quality Policy

Sample Quality Policy
Sample Visitors Policy

Sample Visitors Policy

Sample Visitors Policy
Sample Allergen Management Plan

Sample Allergen Management Plan

Sample Allergen Management Plan
Bumblebee Record Template

Bumblebee Record Template

Bumblebee Record Template
Sample Bumblebee Management Protocol

Sample Bumblebee Management Protocol

Sample Bumblebee Management Protocol
Cleaning Record Template

Cleaning Record Template

Cleaning Record Template
Sample Cleaning Schedule

Sample Cleaning Schedule

Sample Cleaning Schedule
Sample Hygiene Policy

Sample Hygiene Policy

Sample Hygiene Policy
Sample Hygiene Procedure

Sample Hygiene Procedure

Sample Hygiene Procedure
Vehicle Cleaning and Inspection Record Template

Vehicle Cleaning and Inspection Record Template

Vehicle Cleaning and Inspection Record Template
Complaints Record Template

Complaints Record Template

Complaints Record Template
Sample Complaints Procedure

Sample Complaints Procedure

Sample Complaints Procedure
Irrigation Record Template

Irrigation Record Template

Irrigation Record Template
Sample Pollution Prevention Policy

Sample Pollution Prevention Policy

Sample Pollution Prevention Policy
Sample Sustainable Water Use Policy

Sample Sustainable Water Use Policy

Sample Sustainable Water Use Policy
Sample Waste Management Policy

Sample Waste Management Policy

Sample Waste Management Policy
Sample Water Management Plan

Sample Water Management Plan

Sample Water Management Plan
Waste Water - Land Application Record Template

Waste Water - Land Application Record Template

Waste Water - Land Application Record Template
Calibration Record Template

Calibration Record Template

Calibration Record Template
Cold Room Temperature Record Template

Cold Room Temperature Record Template

Cold Room Temperature Record Template
Crop Record Template

Crop Record Template

Crop Record Template
Fertiliser Application Record Template

Fertiliser Application Record Template

Fertiliser Application Record Template
Fertiliser Inventory Record Template

Fertiliser Inventory Record Template

Fertiliser Inventory Record Template
Pesticide Application Record Template

Pesticide Application Record Template

Pesticide Application Record Template
Pesticide Inventory Record Template

Pesticide Inventory Record Template

Pesticide Inventory Record Template
Post Harvest Treatment Application Record Template

Post Harvest Treatment Application Record Template

Post Harvest Treatment Application Record Template
Machinery & Equipment Maintenance Record Template

Machinery & Equipment Maintenance Record Template

Machinery & Equipment Maintenance Record Template
Glass and Hard Plastics Record Template

Glass and Hard Plastics Record Template

Glass and Hard Plastics Record Template
Sample Glass and Hard Plastics Procedure

Sample Glass and Hard Plastics Procedure

Sample Glass and Hard Plastics Procedure
Sample Equipment Calibration Schedule

Sample Equipment Calibration Schedule

Sample Equipment Calibration Schedule
Sample Laboratory Analysis Request Form

Sample Laboratory Analysis Request Form

Sample Laboratory Analysis Request Form
Tool and PPE Issue Record Template

Tool and PPE Issue Record Template

Tool and PPE Issue Record Template
Sample Management Review Procedure

Sample Management Review Procedure

Sample Management Review Procedure
Product Dispatch Record Template

Product Dispatch Record Template

Product Dispatch Record Template
Product Withdrawal Recall Record Template

Product Withdrawal Recall Record Template

Product Withdrawal Recall Record Template
Raw Materials Receipt Record Template

Raw Materials Receipt Record Template

Raw Materials Receipt Record Template
Sample Non-Conforming Product Policy

Sample Non-Conforming Product Policy

Sample Non-Conforming Product Policy
Sample Product Recall Withdrawal Procedure

Sample Product Recall Withdrawal Procedure

Sample Product Recall Withdrawal Procedure
Staff Training Record Template

Staff Training Record Template

Staff Training Record Template
Vermin Control Record Template

Vermin Control Record Template

Vermin Control Record Template
Visitor Record Template

Visitor Record Template

Visitor Record Template


Dept of Agriculture IPM Record Template
Requirements for Members

Requirements for Members

This document contains the Membership Agreement applicable to all Bord Bia Sustainability and Quality Assurance Scheme SQAS members (current and prospective) are urged to take sufficient time to understand this document's contents fully.